Thursday, October 15, 2009

Truth is out of style

When I read about the right wing freakout over the torpedoing of Rush Limbaugh’s attempt to buy the St. Louis Rams today, I thought of this snarky song from two decades ago.

It’s like the GOP has adopted it as its theme song. Seriously, what is wrong with these people? I would be more disturbed by their whining and paranoia if they weren’t being taken less seriously every time they start frothing about how oppressed, misunderstood and wronged they are. Think about it: wealthy multi-multimillionaire, lying, thrice-divorced, whore chasing, “family values voter” like Limbaugh is soooooo oppressed.

Boo hoo you big fat baby. Nobody’s trying to take away his freedom of speech. In fact, I hope he keeps it up, so he can show everybody everybody who doesn’t know already what a hateful, hypocritical, creep he is.

Lest someone doesn’t think he deserve the backlash against him, please see this list for why some black football players aren’t very appreciative of his race-baiting, reactionary right-wing cluelessness. He says he’s “color blind” when it comes to race. I can actually find common ground; I agree he’s blind to a lot of things!

About the song: yes some of the cultural references in it are dated, but the sarcastic satire is more biting and relevant as ever in this era of what is misleadingly known as “cable news” and wingnut wackiness. Turn off the TV!


Tyler said...

Who's Rush Limbaugh?

He really sounds like a jerk.

I wouldn't sell my football team to him unless he was paying a lot of money for it.


Mark said...

I think Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Sean Hannity, and all of the other histrionic conservative pundits are exactly what you say: hypocritical, cynical, bloviating demagogues.

I don't trust anybody who tries to extinguish other opinions merely by raising their voice or exploiting fears, especially when they make money by generating controversy and throwing red meat to the party base.

It is too bad that these types have come to represent conservative thought . . .

Now, that being said, there are equal numbers of idiots on the left, and my criticisms of them are identical.

To end with an apropos quote: “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.”--F. Scott Fitzgerald

Matthew said...

I don't agree that there are equal numbers of them on the left. Perhaps you can point out someone on the left with equal or greater political influence and media reach than Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck?

What is most satisfying about Rush Blowhard having his hat handed to him is that during the Bush years he engaged in quite a bit of political thuggery himself. For instance he repeatedly called for opponents of the Iraq war to be jailed, or worse.

That, and the fact that the people who kicked him to the curb - NFL owners - we can safely assume are mostly Republican! So, his tears are especially sweet :-)

Matthew said...

One other thing and I'll let the matter rest.

Nearly everything the left protested during the Bush years turned out to be true. The war in Iraq was not justified (no weapons of mass destruction). The black sites and secret prisons. Guantanamo Bay. Torture. Illegal wiretapping. Blackwater.

Nothing the right is "protesting" right now has a connection with reality. Death panels. Concentration camps. The end of freedom of speech. Rush Limbaugh's inalienable right to own an NFL football team. Illegal immigrants conquering the West for Mexico. Flying green monkeys.

I don't deny that there are crazies on the left, but they aren't mainstream the way they are on the right. So, I don't think you can credibly equivocate the two. Just sayin'.