Sunday, October 29, 2006

My nemeses!

Wendi likes to tease me about people I look like. Hence, I cannot claim full responsibility for this particular post.

Everybody looks like somebody else, don't they? I have my own lookalikes. I'm kind of superstitious -- I have this paranoid feeling that, were one of them and I to meet, we would have to fight to the death.

Anyway... I'm like, so proud that I look like Shaun White. Once upon a time, I had hair as long as he. Of course, it didn't nearly as good as his....

"'ello Guvvna!!!!!"

Dick Van Dyke is warmly remembered by all for his chinmney sweep in Mary Poppins. At least I don't talk like that... most of the time. Handsome cuss he is. I'm not ashamed to look like Dick Van Dyke.

I'm also flattered to look like Dan Marino as a tough, young and handsome football player - though I can't claim to play football like him -- or at all. In fact, the guy would surely kill me in a fight.

I begin to be uncomfortable when Wendi tells me I look like John Heder -- Napoleon Dynamite, specifically. I don't know what to say... GOD!!!

What I really can't stand though is my final, and most hated nemesis. I will not speak his name -- please do not, in my presence. Should I ever meet this man in person, surely I should go into ninja mode, ready to defend myself from his deadly prop-comedy. No. There is no love lost between me and...


Enemy. Mine.

I shall eat his still-beating heart, and bathe in his blood.


Mark said...

While you do bear a resemblence to all off the above mentioned pseudo-celebrities, you are in and of yourself a unique man.

However, you neglected to mention the cadre of fellows to whom you bear the most striking resemblence: your five brothers. Even our poor father cannot tell us apart.

Do you know how many times I've been called Matt to my face, without any conscious awareness by my father that this was, in fact, an error?

(The odd thing is that I've been called Matt my whole life by people who have no clue that I have a brother named Matt. Weird.)

Does this mean that the next time you see me, you'll have to try and kill me? Watch out! Pedro and Carrot Top have got my back! (Oh wait. That's you . . .)

Matthew said...

You know, you have a point. I didn't think of my famliy when I posted this entry.

I guess this means the end of our happy family -- or you and my other brothers, at least. You all must die.

Danalin said...

Dick Van Dyke??? Really? Ty says that it's so...and you seem to have heard it a time or two before.

I think, Matt, that you are much more fetching than any of these men; in personality and appearance. Too bad you can't cash in on some of their profits, though. Maybe you could negotiate for that while fighting to the death..."I will spare your life only if you give me a cool 2 mil". Worth a try.

Dad said...

I had not thought of this before but you are a spitting image of Shawn. Do not tell Meggie this as she is convinced she will marry him one day. As to the others....maybe so but none of them have your mole on their head!!

I represent the fact that I do not know my own sons upon seeing them.
When I go Matt, Mark, Ty, Jeff....Addie, Goose, before I get to the right one, I just am taking role to make sure everyone is there, before I identify whom it is that I really want to talk to. Simple!

You are a good man Matt.


Tankfos said...

The young Dan Marino is such a studly looking guy. I am curious as to when you had the realization that you looked like him. He has got a fine head of hair on him just like the you.


Matthew said...


The Dan Marino thing came from Wendi -- I never would've thought of that one myself. I mean, I barely ever even watch football and certainly hadn't seen a picture of Dan Marino in a very long time.

And I'm sure Dan's great hair grew naturally on his head, like mine. Great minds have never needed hairstylists. Ok, I take that one back.

Wendi said...

Not that I follow football either, of course -- the Dan Marino tip was given to me by my cco-worker Eric. The Dick Van Dyke one came to me one day, and the Shaun White was evident from Meg's worshipful blog posting some months back.

Napoleon Dynamite and Carrottop were suggested to me by friends of mine. I have to admit they have a point, but I will also concede that Matt is far better looking than either of them. Now please release my cat, OK honey? (snicker)